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أضف موقعنا لمفضلتك ابحث في الموقع الرئيسة المدير المسؤول : زهير سالم

السبت  06/12/2008

أرسل بريدك الإلكتروني ليصل إليك جديدنا


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أرشيف الموقع حتى 31 - 05 - 2004

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صور: مستوطنون يهود يعتدون على سكان الخليل ويدنّسون

مساجد الضفة ويتطاولون على الرسول..

وكالة فلسطين للإعلام والمعلومات – وكالات 3/12/2008

عمد مستوطنون يهود الثلاثاء الى تدنيس مساجد في قرى فلسطينية في الضفة الغربية بكتابات تشتم النبي محمد وبرسم نجمة داود على جدرانها، كما واصل المستوطنون اعتداءاتهم على الفلسطينيين في مدينة الخليل، فيما امتنعت قوات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي عن وقف الاعتداءات واكتفت بالمراقبة، حسب ما افاد مسؤولون فلسطينيون وشهود.

وكتب المستوطنون بالعبرية 'محمد خنزير' و'الموت للعرب' على جدران مسجد قرية الساوية جنوب نابلس (شمال الضفة الغربية) على ما قال محمد عبد الرحيم عضو المجلس البلدي في القرية.

كما قام المستوطنون الذين دخلوا القرية فجرا برسم نجمة داود على ابواب عدة محال تجارية وثقبوا عجلات السيارات، بحسب المصدر ذاته.

كما رسم المستوطنون نجمة داود وكلمة الخليل بالعبرية في مسجدين في قريتي سنجال وترمسعية بين نابلس ورام الله، بحسب شهود.

وذكرت مصادر طبية ان 13 فلسطينيا على الاقل جرحوا ليل الاثنين الثلاثاء في تظاهرات عنيفة قام بها مستوطنون اسرائيليون متطرفون احتجاجا على امر باخلاء مبنى متنازع عليه في مدينة الخليل في الضفة الغربية.

وقامت مجموعات من المستوطنين اليهود الشبان مدعومين من ناشطين متطرفين قدموا من اسرائيل، برشق منازل تخص فلسطينيين بالحجارة وسيارات جيب للشرطة وحرس الحدود لساعات من دون ان يعترضهم احد.

وقالت صحيفة 'يديعوت أحرونوت' امس إن الجيش الإسرائيلي امتنع عن التصدي للمستوطنين خلال حملة اعتداءاتهم ضد المواطنين الفلسطينيين في مدينة الخليل.

وهاجم المستوطنون عند منتصف الليلة قبل الماضية الأحياء الفلسطينية واعتدوا على الفلسطينيين وأملاكهم من خلال إلقاء الحجارة وتدمير سيارات وإحراق أشجار زيتون وتكسير شواهد قبور.

وقالت الصحيفة إن 'كل هذا كان يحدث فيما كانت في المكان قوات أمن قليلة للغاية وعمليا لم تحاول بتاتا السيطرة على اعتداءات المستوطنين ووقفها'.

كذلك اعتدى المستوطنون على فلسطينيين وأملاكهم في مناطق متفرقة في الضفة الغربية وأغلقوا شوارع، بينها شوارع رئيسية في منطقة نابلس ورام الله والقدس الشرقية وأحرقوا أشجار زيتون وألقوا الحجارة على سيارات فلسطينية مارة.

من جهة أخرى، بلورت وزارة العدل الإسرائيلية الأسبوع الماضي موقفا قانونيا من قرار المحكمة العليا مفاده أنه سيتعين على قوات الأمن الإسرائيلية إخلاء المستوطنين من البناية في الخليل في غضون شهر إلا في حال 'نشأت ظروف تحتم إرجاء الإخلاء'.

وكانت المحكمة العليا قد أصدرت قرارها في 16 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر الماضي وأمهلت المستوطنين ثلاثة أيام لإخلاء أنفسهم طواعية من البناية وإلا سيتم إخلاؤهم بالقوة.

وقالت 'هآرتس' ان الثلاثين يوما ستنتهي في 15 كانون الأول (ديسمبر) الحالي أي بعد أقل من أسبوعين.

ويرفض جهاز الأمن الإسرائيلي التطرق إلى موعد إخلاء المستوطنين من البناية لكن مصادر أمنية أكدت أن الاستعدادات لعملية الإخلاء مستمرة.

ولفتت 'هآرتس' إلى أنه في إطار عمليات إخلاء بؤر استيطانية في الماضي حصل المستوطنون على معلومات مسبقة حول خطة قوات الأمن واستعدوا لمواجهة الإخلاء لكن جهاز الأمن يسعى هذه المرة إلى منع تسرب معلومات بشأن إخلاء البناية ومفاجأة المستوطنين. A Palestinian man wearing the traditional head scarf points on December 2, 2008 at graffitti sprayed at the entrance of the mosque in the West Bank village of Sinjel, near Ramallah, by a group of Israeli settlers earlier in the day. The graffiti in Hebrew reads

A Jewish settler (C) throws stones at Palestinian houses in the West Bank city of Hebron December 2, 2008. Jewish settlers and Palestinians threw stones in clashes on Monday and Tuesday that injured five in Hebron where Jews want to stop the eviction of 13 settler families, witnesses said. Hundreds of settler supporters, mostly youths, have come to the Jewish enclave in the past week to try to prevent the evacuation of a disputed building, raising tensions. From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS.

Jewish settlers run for cover after Israeli border police threw a stun grenade towards them in the West Bank city of Hebron December 2, 2008. Jewish settlers and Palestinians threw stones in clashes on Monday that injured five in Hebron where Jews want to stop the eviction of 13 settler families, witnesses said. From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS.

A Palestinian man shouts as he stands near a window shattered after Jewish settlers threw stones at it in the West Bank city of Hebron December 2, 2008. Jewish settlers and Palestinians threw stones in clashes on Monday that injured five in Hebron where Jews want to stop the eviction of 13 settler families, witnesses said. From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS.

A Jewish settler throws a stone from a rooftop overlooking Palestinian houses in the West Bank city of Hebron, Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2008. Dozens of Jewish settlers rioted Tuesday in the West Bank town of Hebron, clashing with the Israeli troops who guard them but who may also soon evict them from a disputed building they

A Jewish settler throws a stone from a rooftop overlooking Palestinian houses in the West Bank city of Hebron, Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2008. Dozens of Jewish settlers rioted Tuesday in the West Bank town of Hebron, clashing with the Israeli troops who guard them but who may also soon evict them from a disputed building they

Masked Jewish settlers throw stones at Palestinian houses in the West Bank city of Hebron, Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2008. Dozens of Jewish settlers rioted Tuesday in the West Bank town of Hebron, clashing with the Israeli troops who guard them but who may also soon evict them from a disputed building they

A Palestinian woman is evacuated after she was injured during clashes in the West Bank city of Hebron, Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2008. Dozens of Jewish settlers rioted Tuesday in the West Bank town of Hebron, clashing with the Israeli troops who guard them but who may also soon evict them from a disputed building they

Masked Jewish settlers throw stones at Palestinian houses in the West Bank city of Hebron, Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2008. Dozens of Jewish settlers rioted Tuesday in the West Bank town of Hebron, clashing with the Israeli troops who guard them but who may also soon evict them from a disputed building they

A Palestinian man wearing the traditional chequered head scarf looks on December 2, 2008 at graffitti sprayed at the entrance of a mosque in the West Bank village of Sinjel, near Ramallah, by a group of Israeli settlers earlier in the day. The graffiti in Hebrew reads

A Jewish settler prays at the entrance to a disputed house in Hebron on December 2, 2008. At least 13 Palestinians were wounded overnight as more than 1,000 ultra-nationalist Israelis hurled rocks at residents, homes and police jeeps during protests against plans by Israeli authorities to dislodge them from the disputed house  in the flashpoint West Bank city, according to witnesses. The controversial house was occupied by dozens of hardline Jewish settlers in March 2007 and they have remained in the building despite a November 16 court order for them to move out. The settlers say they bought the house from a Palestinian, who denies that a deal was ever completed. From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images.

An Israeli border policeman prepares to launch a stunt granade during riots in which dozens of Israeli settlers pelted Paletinian homes near a disputed house in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron December 2, 2008. At least 13 Palestinians were wounded overnight as more than 1,000 ultra-nationalist Israelis hurled rocks at residents, homes and police jeeps in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron. The rioting broke out as rumours spread that security forces were set to evict 100 Jewish settlers from a house the Israeli high court has ordered evacuated. The Israeli High Court on November 16 ordered the settlers to leave the Hebron house in which they have lived since March 2007, but security forces have not enforced the order to date. From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images.

A Jewish settler argues with an Israeli border policeman during riots near a disputed house in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron December 2, 2008. At least 13 Palestinians were wounded overnight as more than 1,000 ultra-nationalist Israelis hurled rocks at residents, homes and police jeeps in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron. The rioting broke out as rumours spread that security forces were set to evict 100 Jewish settlers from a house the Israeli high court has ordered evacuated. The Israeli High Court on November 16 ordered the settlers to leave the Hebron house in which they have lived since March 2007, but security forces have not enforced the order to date. From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images.

A Palestinian wounded in the head helps another injured man after tens of Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian houses with stones and fired live bullets in the divided West Bank city of Hebron on November 29, 2008. Five people were injured in the clashes between settlers and Palestinians outside a disputed house in Hebron, the Israeli army and witnesses said. The controversial house was occupied by dozens of hardline Jewish settlers in March 2007. They have remained in the building, which they dubbed

Jewish settlers play guitar in front of a disputed house occupied by settlers in the divided West Bank city of Hebron on November 23, 2008. About 100 Jewish settlers last week defied a High Court order to evacuate the house in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron, and braced for possible confrontation with police. The court rejected an appeal by two rightwing organisations against an order issued by the state to evacuate the Hebron house, which the settlers claim they had purchased from a Palestinian, who denies selling the house. The controversial house was occupied by dozens of hardline Jewish settlers in March 2007. They have remained in the four-storey building which they dubbed

Palestinian Mohammed Zayed Abu Sneineh, 44, receives medical care at a hospital after a dog owned by Jewish settlers allegedly attacked him near the Ibrahimi Mosque or the Patriarch Tomb in the West Bank town of Hebron on December 1, 2008. With more than 170,000 Palestinian residents, Hebron is the largest city in the Israeli-occupied West Bank apart from annexed Arab east Jerusalem. It has long been a flashpoint because of a settler enclave of around 600 hardline Jews in the heart of the city, and a further 6,500 settlers living in Kiryat Arba on the outskirts. From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images.

Israeli soldiers stop Jewish settlers from throwing stones at Palestinians near the disputed house in the West Bank city of Hebron November 29, 2008. Jewish settlers and Palestinians hurled stones at each other in the West Bank city of Hebron on Saturday before Israeli soldiers separated the two sides, the army and Palestinian witnesses said. From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS.

Israeli police officers walk with a Jewish settler after removing him from a previously evacuated house in the West Bank city of Hebron December 3, 2008. According to local media reports, dozens of Jewish settlers were removed by Israeli police on Wednesday from a house that had been evicted in 2006 following a High court order. From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS.

Israeli settlers pray outside a disputed house in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron on December 3, 2008. Israeli settlers and hundreds of supporters prepared today to battle a forceful eviction after Israel declared a closed military area around the house in Hebron, occupied in defiance of a court order. The controversial house was occupied by dozens of hardline Jewish settlers in March 2007 and they have remained in the building despite a November 16 Israeli High Court court order for them to move out. The settlers say they bought the house from a Palestinian, who denies that a deal was ever completed. From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images.

Israeli soldiers and police officers walk down the stairs after removing Jewish settlers from a previously evacuated house in the West Bank city of Hebron December 3, 2008. According to local media reports, dozens of Jewish settlers were removed by Israeli police on Wednesday from a house that had been evicted in 2006 following a High court order. From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS.

Masked Jewish settlers stand atop the roof of a disputed building, occupied by settlers in March 2007, in the West Bank city of Hebron, December 3, 2008. Hardline Jewish settlers have vowed to resist an Israeli court order to leave the building they insist they bought from a Palestinian. Hundreds of settler supporters, mostly youths, have come to the Jewish enclave in the past week to try to prevent the evacuation of the building, raising tensions. Palestinian Faiz Rajabi said the building belongs to him and he has denied selling it to the settlers. From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS.

Israeli border policeman stand guard opposite Jewish settlers near a disputed house in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron on December 3, 2008. Israeli settlers and supporters prepared to battle a forceful eviction today after Israel declared a closed military area around the house, occupied in defiance of a court order. The settlers insist they have not only a God-given right to all of the biblical land of Israel, but that they are also legally in the house that a Jewish-American businessman claims he bought so more Jews can live in Hebron. The original Palestinian owner denies selling it, and the High Court has ordered the settlers out until ownership can be determined. From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images.

An Israeli soldier stands guard (front) as Palestinians protest against Jewish settlers in the West Bank city of Hebron, December 3, 2008. Jewish settlers and Palestinians threw stones in clashes on Monday that injured five in the West Bank city of Hebron where Jews want to stop the eviction of 13 settler families, witnesses said. From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS.

Jewish settlers stand next to an Israeli military vehicle during clashes with border policemen (not seen) outside a disputed house in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron December 3, 2008. Israeli settlers and supporters prepared to battle a forceful eviction today after Israel declared a closed military area around the house, occupied in defiance of a court order. The settlers insist they have not only a God-given right to all of the biblical land of Israel, but that they are also legally in the house that a Jewish-American businessman claims he bought so more Jews can live in Hebron. The original Palestinian owner denies selling it, and the High Court has ordered the settlers out until ownership can be determined. From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images.



[صور] الجيش الاسرائيلي يخلي منزل "الرجبي" من المستوطنين بالقوة.. والمستوطنين يحرقون بيوت فلسطينيين



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